Pharmacy Personal Statement 2

Sample Pharmacy Personal Statement

Healthcare careers are not to be entered into lightly, demanding as they do commitment, compassion, and accuracy. My intention to study pharmacy is a longstanding one and the product of many years of contemplating the implications of this career path. My initial inspiration to work in healthcare came several years ago, shortly after I was accepted to the academically demanding Cambridge Tutors College in England. Having previously wanted to put my love of science to use in the field of cosmetics, classes at the school and conversations with classmates made me realize how much more rewarding a career in the healthcare sector would be. This outlook remained with me as I progressed to Irvine Valley College to study a BSc in Chemistry. Moreover, completing a wide range of voluntary work during my studies allowed me to discover the rewards of caring for other people. It is the possibility of having a career that combines these two strands–biochemical sciences and helping others–that compels me to complete a PharmD and ultimately become a clinical pharmacist.

Studying under the British education system provided me with the opportunity to specialize exclusively in scientific subjects prior to entering college. The subject combination of biology, chemistry and mathematics provided an ideal starting point for learning the essentials of how the human body and chemical reactions work, and also equipped me with the mathematical skills that are an essential pre-requisite for any scientist. This combination of subjects enlivened my enthusiasm for life at the molecular level and the way that humans are in essence a remarkably complex assortment of elements and compounds. Studying a BSc in chemistry was an even more stimulating experience. Through it I had the opportunity to truly delve into physical and organic chemistry, in the process building up an understanding of the complex chemical reactions that take place in the human body.

My time at college also allowed me to evolve into an inquisitive, competent scientist. Developing essential scientific skills such as devising experiments and carrying out laboratory work, for example, was a particular highlight of the degree. Throughout my time at college I was driven by an undying curiosity. For me, the process of studying was always about far more than simply passing exams; it was an intellectual journey that was a privilege to embark upon.

Through volunteering with different charities I have grown as a person and developed all sorts of new skills and qualities. I started to volunteer with a cancer research charity when I first moved to the UK. Volunteering in one of the charity’s thrift stores, I gradually took on a wider range of responsibilities, such as processing sales transactions and dressing the store’s displays. Our customers were from all walks of life, and it was a pleasure to learn to communicate with new people and to assist them.

When I moved to the US to go to college I continued to put volunteering at the heart of my life through working with Giving Children Hope and Habitat for Humanity. Working on Habitat for Humanity Projects was a challenge I set myself to be able to test my abilities to complete demanding labor and develop my skills of perseverance. However, I am most proud of the work I did for Giving Children Hope, because I was responsible for leading a large group of my classmates from college in contributing to the charity. I had never been in such a position of responsibility before, but the process of learning how to motivate people to be involved and get the best out of their abilities was a challenge that I was happy to take on and delighted to accomplish.

Just as important as these academic and voluntary experiences in molding me into a person who would make a diligent and compassionate pharmacist, however, is the personal journey that began for me back in Latvia and led me to California via London. I was seventeen when I left my family and my home country. Adapting to life in England was a personal, cultural and linguistic challenge that I embraced with open arms, as was my subsequent decision to move to the USA. Treading this path far from home has required courage and tenacity, but has undoubtedly made me a stronger and more capable person.

Along the way, I have discovered that my dream is to become a pharmacist; I am confident that the strength and the qualities I have gained on this journey will allow me to fulfill this dream.

This sample Pharmacy personal statement should be used to help shape your personal statement into one that makes you stand out from the crowd.