Business Postgraduate Personal Statement

Sample Business Postgraduate Personal Statement

This summer, I worked at Zhe Jiang Hai Tian Construction Company in China, where I was an assistant to the General Manager. Although I have always been interested in business, the experience of holding this position of responsibility has inspired me to follow a career in which I can be involved with management and business, and also revolutionized my understanding of how enterprises are run. The position allowed me to experience all the main areas of the business, such as marketing, operational management, client relations and human resources. A company is a fascinatingly intricate organism. Made of many different inter-connected parts, if just one of them is not operating according to the standards that the company sets itself, the entire business can suffer. Company managers, and especially the top-level of management, therefore have a great amount of responsibility on their shoulders to ensure that their businesses function effectively. To be prepared for this great level of responsibility requires an impressive level of intelligence, experience and advanced knowledge. I am a very ambitious person, and one day I plan to be a company executive or start my own company. I am also a very thorough person, and I realise that I need to make the preparations that are necessary to allow me to fulfil my ambitions. For this reason, I wish to study a Masters that will give me the skills and expertise that are needed by today’s top business people, building on the education that I have been receiving at the University of Swansea.

Through reading newspapers and magazines such as the Financial Times and Forbes, I have already developed a good understanding of the business world. However, I recognize that there is much more to success in business than knowledge of current events and the key companies operating in your sector. It is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the theories of marketing and management to be able to have a true understanding of how businesses operate and in turn ensure that they operate according to their potential. I believe a Masters in this area will provide me with this theoretical knowledge. At the same time, I believe it will also help me link the theory to the practical realities of the business world, meaning that the theoretical knowledge will become meaningful and, more importantly, highly useful. I am particularly looking forward to the opportunities that the course’s assignments and dissertation will give me to research aspects of business theory in detail and apply them to management scenarios from the real world.I am a very focused and industrious person, and I plan to gain as much of a competitive advantage from studying this Masters as possible. I think that a Masters in management will also help me to focus on the personal qualities that are necessary to succeed in a career in management. The ability to work under pressure and to deadlines is just as important for university study as it is for professional life, and I believe that postgraduate study will further improve my abilities in these areas.

I enjoy life in Britain. Studying here has been a great personal experience, and through my time here I have developed a wide range of new interests, such as reading, popular music and soccer. However, I am eager to find out more about the business culture here. For this reason, once I complete a Masters, I plan to take up a management role in a British company, before one day returning to China to start my own enterprise.

This sample Business postgraduate personal statement can be used as a helpful guide to relevant content and structure for writing your personal statement.