Psychology Personal Statement

Sample Psychology Personal Statement

Psychology exists on the cusp between science and the humanities. It uses scientific methods to find explanations for our most basic behaviours, as individuals and as a society. As medical research is undertaken to enlighten us to the physical processes behind the most fascinating aspects of psychology, such as memory, perception, personality, cognition and emotion, we not only learn more about these processes but also create new ways to mediate the psychological problems that can face us all. Having proven my commitment to mediating the psychological problems of others, and my ability to perform in academic study, I have laid the foundation of knowledge and skill that will allow me to perform to a high standard at undergraduate level and beyond.

Having provided myself with a basis for studying both the biological and social aspects of human behaviour at GCSE level I then went on to pursue this study further at A-level. Having gained an interest in the counselling process through my own experiences, I decided that the practical aspects of using psychology to help others were always going to hold a strong appeal for me. To this end, I undertook a BTEC qualification, followed by an A-level in Counselling, covering not only the core practical aspects of the discipline but also touching upon the psychological theory that underpinned them. I then undertook the bulk of a diploma in Counselling, requiring only the completion of the appropriate number of counselling hours to qualify fully. Sadly, due to personal circumstances, I was originally forced to abandon my study at university level. Despite this unfortunate turn of events, I have gained valuable academic experience of the level of study required to complete work at undergraduate level, alongside a grasp of key psychological concepts throughout my studies.

Alongside the academic preparation that my studies have offered, I have also been offered the opportunity to gain experience of psychology and its practical applications. My work as a trainee counsellor not only required that all the practical aspects of conducting a counselling session were taken care of, such as building trust and a rapport with the client, but that I also understood elements of psychology related to the problems they may be facing. Thinking about theoretical concepts in this practical context has inspired me to pursue further study in order to be able to perform a similar role in future.

I have also undertaken extensive work within the hospitality industry, offering numerous opportunities to interact with people and to observe them outside of a clinical setting. Honing my skills in building a rapport with both customers and clients within this context has strengthened my interests and abilities in communicating with others.

Outside of study and work, I also regularly enjoy reading up on my chosen subject. Psychology has never been more popular, with a wealth of both academic and popular science texts available to the general public. Gaining grounding in the core aspects of the field in my spare time has proven to be a relatively simple proposition. I am also a keen sports fan and, alongside regular gym visits, can be found taking part in football, gymnastics, volleyball and basketball. During my time at school I also formed part of the cricket and badminton teams. In my spare time I enjoy reading fiction, cooking, socialising with friends and playing and listening to music.

As a dedicated, hardworking student and employee, I believe that I have shown the necessary qualities to continue studying at university level. My interest in the field and my passion for helping others has inspired me throughout my study thus far and will continue to push me to perform to the same high standard at undergraduate and, hopefully, postgraduate level before helping me to achieve my ultimate goal of working as a practitioner of medical psychology.

We hope this sample Psychology personal statement has proved helpful for you.