Medicine Personal Statement 4

Sample Medicine Personal Statement

It has long been an ambition of mine to be able to help people in difficulties and to change the lives of those who are suffering, and I discovered early that doctors can actually achieve this. Indeed, I undertook my first work experience session in medicine when I was only 14 years old, when I observed in the paediatric ward in Wexham Park Hospital. Perhaps my early interest was inspired by family experience. My father is a type 1 diabetic, and I was impressed in my childhood by the way that medical science was able to control his condition. Also my younger brother suffers from a serious kidney condition. He was admitted to Great Ormond St when he was only one year old, with very limited prospects for survival, but the doctors there performed the miracle of saving him against all the odds, and I saw clearly how satisfying it would be to be able to bring such happiness to a family myself, and how fulfilling medicine could be as a career. I am reapplying for a medical degree largely because my brother’s condition became critical with high creatine levels just at the time of my examinations. I was distracted and deeply anxious, and know that I underperformed in a chemistry exam, but I am confident that I can achieve the necessary grade this year.

I did work experience with the Leonard Cheshire disability charity, studying the symptoms and nature of degenerative diseases, such as cerebral palsy, motor neurone diseases and MS. I am excited at the prospects for stem cell research, and the way it offers the possibility of new organ growth to help people with these conditions. I spent some time working in a pharmacy, dealing with the public and learning much about drugs, their workings and their side-effects. One of the most common prescriptions we handled was for Meltformin to treat type 2 diabetes, and this gave me a sobering view of the role of social conditions in public health. I had the opportunity to observe in the cardiac department at Wycombe Hospital, where I followed junior doctors, consultants and nurses. I witnessed catheterisation operations, MRI scans, the use of diagnostic equipment, such as the angiogram, and other tools. On one occasion a patient underwent cardiac arrest, and the doctors’ professionalism and efficiency was immensely impressive. At a GP’s surgery I observed consultations and learnt about the importance of auditing and of continuing professional development.

I attended the Medsim conference which gave me an insight into what a career in medicine would be like. At school I was elected Head of House, which involved addressing groups of 250 people weekly, enhancing my communication skills and developing my confidence. I have organised whole school events such as sports day, which called for leadership, responsibility and good time management. I was a member of the prefect team. I am a first-aider with St John Ambulance, meeting weekly, and hoping to be able to use my skills after qualification in large public events such as the London Marathon. I have worked at a St Luke’s Hospice charity shop for two years, communicating with customers and playing a role in the sales team.

My plan for my gap year is to go to Madurai, India, to work in a number of departments including the leprosy clinic, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, palliative care at a hospice and a skin care clinic. It promises to be a very varied and informative programme, where I shall be able to see diseases rarely seen in the UK, and be able to compare the health care systems in India and the UK.

All of these experiences demonstrate, I believe, my commitment to medicine. I am hard-working and ambitious, and entirely focused in my plans. I work well with others, but have the confidence in my own judgement to be able to take responsibility for my own actions. I am compassionate and understanding and dedicated to the idea of helping others through my skills. I hope you will consider my application.

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