Classics Personal Statement

Sample Classics Personal Statement

As a scholar of translation, with particular expertise in applying the Relevance Theory of translation to biblical texts, I have been continually fascinated by the language, culture and literature of ancient cultures. By attempting to understand the context in which they were written I have gained a far greater understanding of the texts themselves, as well as the ability to draw interesting comparisons between these contexts. Undertaking further study in the field of Classics would allow me to further indulge my interests in the Roman and Greek civilisations, studying their literature in the original language and opening up interesting avenues for further investigation and comparison.

With a track record of performing to a high standard across a range of disciplines, I have continually pursued education; often balancing study with full-time work. To prepare myself for studying Classics at undergraduate level I am currently working towards two Level-5 courses with The Open University, in Exploring the Classical World and Reading Greek. I expect to pass these courses with Distinction and graduate with a Diploma in Classical Studies. I am also undertaking courses in Latin (through the Cambridge Classics Project) and Biblical Hebrew (Hebrew University), achieving high grades in both. In order to broaden my contextual knowledge of the period I am also undertaking Masters level online courses through Nations University, Brentwood, Tennessee in Systematic Theology and Biblical Hermeneutics, including modules in Biblical Greek and the The Greek Scriptures, maintaining a 4.00 grade point average.

My work within The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has also presented me with multiple opportunities to improve my scholarship. As a graduate of the Ministerial Training School, alongside performing outreach ministry, pastoral duties and training, I also rose to the position of Senior Manager and Consultant of the Translations Department. Managing a team of translators, meant grappling not only with day-to-day logistical and managerial tasks, but also ensuring a high-level of personal understanding of the theoretical and theological issues involved and communicating this understanding to others through effective training and teaching, including developing a course curriculum and delivering to instructors and students. Passionate about applying my expertise in a contextual approach to translation to biblical texts, alongside my work within this department, I have also published two translations of biblical texts and am currently working on a third. Studying Classics would be an opportunity to build upon this ability to undertake and effectively communicate research, both through teaching and writing, and would hopefully form a strong foundation for future research and teaching.

I am currently undertaking study while also employed as an Employment Adviser. The communication and interpersonal skills that I have exhibited throughout this role, and in my previous managerial experience, have made me a confident public speaker, a competent teacher, a good leader and an effective team player. Each of these elements has informed my scholarship, allowing me to engage effectively with the work of others and structure my time to successfully complete tasks within scheduled deadlines.

As a highly motivated and experienced translator, scholar and manager I have demonstrated the ability to apply myself to achieve personal goals in each of these three areas. Passionate about studying both languages and cultures, and the contextual interactions between them, I have also worked hard outside of employment roles to gain knowledge and expertise in the field. Studying Classics would be an excellent opportunity to combine my skills and experience with these interests to ensure that I continue to work to the same high standard throughout undergraduate study and beyond.

We hope this classics personal statement has been a helpful example.