Business Personal Statement

Example Business Personal Statement

Business and entrepreneurship have long been a central part of my life. Growing up observing the process of starting and growing a firm, I have been steeped in the challenges and rewards that running a successful business offers. My fascination with this process, and ambition to recreate it within my own career, has led to me not only focusing my academic studies on related topics but also working to gain relevant employment experience. This knowledge and experience has complimented my existing interests in the subject to lay an excellent foundation for further study.

I am a hardworking and dedicated student who has shown an ability to perform across a range of subjects. Attending a prestigious high school in my native China I was required to work to high standard throughout my studies and graduated with an impressive record. Since entering higher education I have not only shown a dedication to developing my interests in business and management but also to gaining qualifications from the most prestigious UK institutions. While I am aware that studying within an international context presents a range of challenges, I have done my best to mediate these. Arriving to study in the UK in 2009, I studied English at an Education First language school. Having gained a greater command of English I then moved onto to a course in Business at Bellerbys College. This course offers the dual opportunity to gain a strong grounding in the field alongside experience of studying within the UK context.

Alongside my commitment to developing my academic awareness of the field, I have worked hard to ensure that I have gained a strong sense of how these ideas are applied in the field. During a work placement at my father’s company I assisted in or observed all aspects of running a business. The importance of strong communication skills was obvious as forming good relationships with colleagues and particularly with customers is central to achieving success. I also saw how strong management and leadership skills were important in ensuring that the complex logistics of business continued to function as smoothly as possible. Seeing firsthand how my father has made a success of his business through the application of leadership and management abilities made me aware that not only have I inherited these natural abilities from him but that I must study to improve upon them if I am to achieve similar levels of success.

Outside of academia and work experience I have also found that my related interests in business, entrepreneurship, management and leadership have shaped many of my extra-curricular activities. As a keen amateur historian I have become fascinated by China’s Three Kingdoms period of history. Reading up on how various dynasties consolidated stable power within a turbulent period appealed to my sense of the importance of strong leadership in all aspects of life and I believe that there are lessons that can be learnt from this period that can be applied in business today. I am also a keen sportsman, particularly enjoying basketball and snooker, and find that, alongside health and fitness benefits, sport offers a very clear example of the benefits of dedication, practice and leadership. As the captain of my high school basketball team I became aware of the importance of the application of all of these aspects in achieving success.

As a dedicated and hardworking student, who has rigorously pursued my goal of studying business and management in the UK, I believe that I have proven myself to be capable of undertaking further study. What is more, I have also gained a strong sense of the application of this theoretical knowledge, through work experience and observation of business processes, which has continued to fuel my ultimate ambition to run my own successful business within the burgeoning field of green technologies. Honing my knowledge and experience at postgraduate level is the next vital step in achieving this.

We hope this example Business personal statement proves to be a useful and informative guide if you need help writing a personal statement of your own.