Performance and Analysis (Skill Training)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 28/02/2025

Skill TrainingSkill Training

Skill Training

Skill training is different, depending on the individual. The main aim of this form of training is to bring out the skills of that player and can range from unopposed training to the more strenuous pressure training.

Training sessions set out to develop to main skill sets:

      • open skills which are used when it’s not possible to predict play
      • closed skills are used when you can control what’s happening

A drill is a method in which a specific skill is repeated in order to improve it.

Training techniques are grouped into four main types:

      • Unopposed is where there’s no opposition involved which gives a player the space to learn new techniques and improve their skills
      • Passive opposition is where an opposing team is in play but they’re not out to beat the other team. This is ideal for beginners who are still trying to get a feel for the game.
      • Active opposition involves the opposing team trying tackles and interceptions in an attempt to stop the other team from winning.
      • Pressure training is where the players are worked hard for long periods or they’re made to react quickly in an attempt to give them the feel of competition. This is an effective training method for experienced players.

It’s important to learn skills but they’re useless on their own: they need to be understood in terms of the game they’ll be used in. There are two main ways that a coach develops strategies and tactics:

      • Modified games: these use slightly different rules so that the players can have a lot of contact with the ball.
      • Conditioned games: these also involve rule changes but so that one particular skill or tactic is the focus of the game.