Performance and Analysis (Motivation, skill training, tactics & officials)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 01/03/2025

Motivation, skill training, tactics & officials

Motivation, skill training, tactics & officials

This section summarises all the key things you need to know about the analysis of performance. What role motivation, skill training and tactics have to play. How officials can keep you on track.


Motivation is a very important part of sport. It makes players want to improve their performance and play better. The level of motivation is known as arousal and might be:

      • intrinsic or from your own feelings, for example because you love the game
      • extrinsic or external, like a money prize or award.

Arousal can also depend on someone’s personality: an introverted individual will need less arousal to keep them going then someone who’s extroverted for instance. It’s important for a coach to be able to create training and give feedback depending on the personalities in their team.


Keeping in check


In order to ensure that a game is played by the rules, officials, namely referees and umpires, are used. At the end of the day, the rules are there to ensure that a game is played fairly and safely and so that the players know how to play the most effectively.

Officials need to be confident and capable of making a decision as soon as they blow their whistle. Once the decision has been announced to the players the game must be allowed to continue immediately without allowing any room for questioning. However, patience is also important.

In order to referee a game effectively, referees and umpires must know all the rules of the game and keep abreast of any changes.


A Top Tip!

Make a copy of this section and put in a place that you often look at. i.e. front of a journal, next to a mirror, on a kitchen cupboard door, etc. That way you can do some cheeky PE revision whilst doing those things you have to do!