Home and the Environment (Environment)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 21/01/2025


Useful verbs:

bedrohen – to threatenGCSE German - Saving the Environment

produzieren – to produce

recyceln – to recycle

reinigen – to clean

schaden – to harm

schtzen – to protect

sparen – to save

verschmutzen – to pollute

wegwerfen – to discard

zerstren – to destroy

Wegwerfen is a separable verb: Er soll den Mll wegwerfen. Er hat den Mll weggeworfen.

Learn the following vocabulary on the environment:

die Energie – energy

der Fahrradweg – cycle path

der Gebrauch – usage

der Mll – waste

organisch – organic

sauber – clean

dasTrinkwasser – drinking water

die Umwelt – environment

umweltfeindlich – harmful to the environment

umweltfreundlich – environmentally friendly

der Verbrauch – consumption

die Verkehr – transport

Verpackung – packaging

GCSE German - Environmental ProblemsDie Umweltprobleme – Environmental Problems

Abgase (pl) – exhaust fumes

das Benzin – petrol

die Gefahr – danger

gefhrlich – dangerous

die Luft – air

ffentlich – public

das Ozonloch – hole in the ozone layer

die Ozonschicht – ozone layer

der Schaden – damage

schdlich – harmful

schmutzig – dirty

derTreibhauseffekt – greenhouse effect

das Treibhausgas – greenhouse gas

die Verschmutzung – pollution

weltweit – worldwide

1. Test it- using the words you have learned, fill in the gaps of the statements below:

a) Auto fahren ______________ die Luft. (verschmutzt)

b) Schmutzige ___________ schaden die Ozonschicht. (Abgase)

c) Wir sollten unseren Mll ___________ um die Umwelt zu schtzen. (recyceln)

d) Ein groer Energie___________ ist nicht Umweltfreundlich. (Verbrauch)

2. Remember it – Writing practice

Say whether you think the following are good or bad for the environment and why using the formula below. Remember that weil sends the verb to the end of the clause: To revise weil and other conjunctions click here.

Ich finde es umweltfeindlich/ umweltfreundlich, weil….

a) der Treibhauseffekt

b) ffentliche Verkehrsmittel

c) die Fahrradwege

d) organisch essen

e) bleifreies Benzin

3. What do you do to help the environment?

Using the words from this topic write a paragraph explaining what you do that is environmentally friendly. Is there anything you do that might harm the environment? Is there anything you think you could do better to help the environment? Use as many new words from the list as you can.

Once you feel you know all of the words above, have ago at learning this extra vocabulary too:

biologisch – biological GCSE German - water pollution

der Biomll – organic waste

bleifrei – lead-free

chemisch – chemical

global – globally

die Luftverschmutzung – air pollution

das Pfand – deposit

der Sauerstoff – oxygen

berbevlkert – overpopulated

ultraviolette Strahlen – ultraviolet rays

das Verkehrsmittel – transport

die Wasserverschmutzung – water pollution