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Art and design have always been my favourite school subjects and I believe I have a natural talent for the graphic arts. I enjoy all areas of visual art, from fine art to the sort of design skills which are in demand in the commercial world. My main interest at the moment is in life drawing, where I find it deeply satisfying to be able to bring the human form to life in two dimensions on a sheet of paper. Drawing the body myself has made me very appreciative of the sort of vision and technical skill of the great artists of the past, and one of my principal enjoyments is in visiting galleries whenever I have the chance. As an aspiring artist, I understand what gifts many of the great artists possessed. The human body is a form in space which in itself presents all sorts of challenges to the artist to depict it with any degree of realism, but it is of course much more than that, for the great life drawing says something about the personality or the spirit of the model. It is one of the main differences between art and photography; the graphic artist presents us with more than the simple physical surface facts.
At the same time I have a great interest in design as a device for the worlds of work and commerce. Design is everywhere around us in the modern world, from the furniture we sit on, to the electronic devices through which we communicate, to the cars we drive. Designers are in constant demand, and good design can mean the difference between success and failure in launching a product onto the market. The great design museums are full of heroic and imaginative innovations in the way things look, and their power to influence the consumer can be very great. This is a career option which is very attractive to me, and I can imagine working in a design firm, using the skill I shall have acquired in my degree course and perhaps changing the world’s perception of how something must look.
I need to learn many skills from a course in art and design. I am interested in the idea that there are many different perspectives and approaches to a design or artistic project. I hope that a degree course would teach me how to analyse and evaluate information in order to respond creatively to an assignment, as well as developing my understanding of materials and methods in realising my conceptions and presenting my ideas in a comprehensible way to others.
I always enjoy looking at my colleagues’ work because I am always interested in their ideas. I feel I can learn from them and find my own inspiration in response to them. Most of my leisure time is given to art as well as my academic time, but I also enjoy music and play the guitar.
I am the first person from my family to apply to do a degree. I am hard-working and inventive and I enjoy working with others and listening to what they say and think, as well as being happy to work on my own. Ultimately the artist has to be on his own, I believe. The ideas and inspiration have to start in his own imagination, however they might be modified in discussion with others before they are realised on paper (or on the computer screen). I have no doubt about the career I should like to pursue, and my commitment to my ambition is total. I hope you will consider my application.