Coming to study in the UK is a huge step for anyone and it pays to know a bit about what to expect once you have arrived. Here at Getting in we have a whole section designed just for people like you in this situation! We thought it would be useful to explain a few things that might make your transition to studying in the UK a happy and an easy one.
Firstly, whichever region within the UK you have chosen to study, don’t forget to bring a coat! This may make me sound like your mother but we’d hate for you to be unprepared for our unpredictable and sometimes downright miserable British weather. The further north you venture, the more layers you’ll need to consider bringing with you!
Different Regions
Even though we are small in size, the UK has varying ways of life across its different regions. For example, some claim the South West to be more laid back than the East – but a lot rainier! The north is generally regarded as a friendlier region where people aren’t afraid to chat to new people.
British Norms
Despite there being differences, there are certain things that are the norm right across the UK. Queuing is a big one! If there is something you need to do in a hurry – post a package, buy your lunch or get some cash out – chances are there will be a line of people wanting to do it at exactly the same time! Save yourself some hassle (and a lot of tutting) and slot into the back of the line.
Punctuality is another thing that is expected of you whilst you are in the UK, especially as a student. This means being on time for lectures, appointments and even meeting friends at the pub. Everyone inevitably gets held up now and then (that blooming raccoon running straight out in front of the bus and causing mayhem on your way to university!) so when this happens it is good manners to inform the person you are due to meet that you have been slightly held up.
Keeping in touch with home
In all the excitement of moving to the UK, it might slip your mind to get in contact with family at home as often as they would like! Between your studying and trips to see what the UK has to offer, think about downloading Skype which is a free way to keep in touch with other people. This way you can even have a video link back home, which is a great way to remind your family how much they mean to you and also to show them how much you’re enjoying your time here.
Finally, remember that if you are finding the transition tough then most universities have designated staff to help international students feel at home. Contact them and they will be able to offer even more advice.