Example Medical Personal Statement
My ambition to become a doctor has been inspired by a number of considerations. My love of the science inherent in medicine and my curiosity find much complex material in the workings of the human body. At the same time I feel a strong compulsion to help those who are vulnerable and in pain, and my observation of the medical world during my work experience placements has shown me what powerful personal and professional satisfaction can be gained from using ones’ knowledge and expertise to bring help to others. My father is a hospital consultant and my sister has completed medical school and is working as an FY1, so I am already familiar with what the career of a doctor at various stages entails. I know that the training is long and arduous, and that the job is challenging as well as satisfying. I am realistic in my expectations and believe that I have the academic abilities and personal qualities to succeed, and I can imagine no more fulfilling role in the human world than that of the good doctor.
My insight into the practices of modern medicine began in 2007 with first response training as part of a year-long First Aid course. In 2008 I spent a week in Radiology observing a variety of high-tech imaging procedures including a micturating cystourethrogram to test for vesicoureteric reflux as well as CT-guided biopsies. Another week in 2009 I attended ward rounds and diabetes clinics in Paediatrics. A week in 2010 in Surgery enabled me to witness mastectomies, endoscopies, laparoscopic cholecystectomies and colorectal surgery. Laparoscopy was particularly captivating because of the need for precise hand-eye coordination. I also attended breast, colorectal and renal clinics. All of these placements demonstrated the multidisciplinary nature of the hospital community and the importance of communication between the healthcare team and patient if the treatment is to succeed. I have also shadowed in hospitals in Egypt, including some where facilities and available technology were advanced, but I came to appreciate the value of the British hierarchical system when I saw the absence of distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary care, with people with trivial and serious conditions queuing together.
My volunteer work has seen me working in a British Heart Foundation shop and since January helping with paediatric play services, organising activities for children in order to distract them from their conditions. At school I assisted with the teaching of special needs and junior pupils, learning for myself the value of patience and communication skills. I work in a call centre, often having to deal with difficult situations, which is excellent training in professional tact and empathy.
In 2010 I went on a World Challenge expedition to Peru, trekking in the Andes and being essentially self-sufficient under very testing conditions. As a team we also undertook work to help to protect the livelihood of the local community. The preparation involved much planning and vigorous fund-raising. It was a thrilling experience and first-class training in teamwork and leadership. I am also always keen to look after my own health and fitness. I swim every week, enjoy basketball, and I also play snooker, which is a good workout for my critical thinking skills.
During an unplanned gap year, I will continue with my paid and voluntary work in addition to going to Morocco and Egypt for 4 months to help in orphanages. I believe this opportunity will help improve my linguistic skills, allow me to grow as a person and fulfil my ambition of helping children in Africa.
I am hard working and very determined as well as being compassionate and a good listener. I am well-practised in working as a member of a team and enjoy the cooperative effort. I am academically able, reliable and a good communicator. My commitment to my goal is total, and I believe that I will make a good doctor of tomorrow.
This sample Medical personal statement should be used as an informative guide to help write your own statement.