Sample Maths Personal Statement
Mathematics has always been a big part of my life. As a young boy, my father would make up games to play on long car journeys, stating a number and asking me to do a series of basic calculations whilst keeping track of how that number changed. These fun, light-hearted games developed my abilities and inspired me to search for other games that would allow me to understand the discipline in greater depth, such as Sudoku, which trained me to spot number patterns.
As the years have passed, I have found myself deeply interested in the theory underpinning these games. I am particularly interested in proofs, discoveries and new equations, which has led to me reading a wide range of books on the subject, including ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’ by Simon Singh, and ‘Taming the Infinite’ by Ian Stewart. This has also kindled an interest in the methods behind mathematical proof and discovery. I have always wondered how mathematicians could discover something new in Mathematics and prove it to the community. I have made this the subject of my extended project qualification, a 5000 word essay on ‘Godel and proving the incompleteness theorem’
In an effort to extend my knowledge of Mathematics beyond the curriculum, I have attended several advanced courses. I completed a five day course with the charity trust Villiers Park in March 2011 and a one day course at the Royal Institute for Mathematics in June 2011. These were an excellent opportunity to encounter high level mathematics and to speak to those studying and working in the field.
Through pushing myself to understand the theory encountered on these courses, and within the curriculum, I have gained a sense of the complexity of the discipline. The study of polynomial theory in Further Pure 1, for example, proved both fascinating and challenging. Having missed some teaching due to unavoidable commitments, I independently answered many questions on the roots of polynomial equations and ultimately made it one of my strong points. The theory has fascinated me ever since and I am sure that I can overcome the same educational challenges that it originally presented, and ultimately gain the same academic rewards throughout undergraduate study.
In 2010, my strong performance in the subject led to me receiving the school award for mathematics. It is not only my passion for the discipline which has allowed me to become involved in my school community, however. As part of the Sixth Form mentoring system, I spend two thirty minute sessions a week with my mentee and I have also been appointed Head Boy. My role includes attending Governor’s Meetings, organising prefects, arranging committees for year book and prom, and controlling the sixth form budget. I also represent the school at general and Sixth Form open evenings.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading science fiction novels and play sport whenever I can. I am a fully qualified F.A. referee, after completing my training in October 2009. My deep love of football is also complemented by an enjoyment of rugby and hockey.
Mathematics has shaped my life, my study and my free time for many years. This dedication and passion for the subject has led to me to many intellectually rewards as I have delved deeper into this fascinating, and fundamental, discipline. Having developed the skills and knowledge necessary to grasp complex mathematical ideas, I would relish the opportunity to continue this process of discovery throughout undergraduate study.
We hope this sample Maths personal statement has been insightful.