Sample Film and Television Personal Statement
I have an intense love of film. From an early age, the big screen captivated me, whisking me off into another world. I wish to become a film producer, and ultimately the owner of my own production company, so that I may develop and make use of the best techniques to instil in others the wonder that film instilled in me. Studying Film Production will equip me with the skills to fulfil my ambition.
With that aim in mind, I completed a BTEC in Media Production, gaining Distinctions in most modules. My success came despite a challenging year in which I was seriously ill and spent much of my time in hospital. My determination and focus enabled me to leapfrog the obstacles to my ambition. During the course, I showed a particular strength for practical production work, which I particularly look forward to continuing at university.
Earlier, I had pursued a more traditional academic route, taking A-Levels in Theatre, English Literature and Law. But with my focus on film, I was not academically-minded, despite having a talent for Literature, as shown by my success at GCSE, and so I chose to change direction and follow the route mapped out by my strengths, interests and ambition.
Outside of school, in the last few years, I have packed my time with work experience that has strengthened my knowledge and experience of film. I spent a term teaching children in a primary school how to create Stop Frame animations, taking advantage of techniques I had used to teach myself to help the youngsters create their own films. My most treasured work experience, however, was working as a runner for Renegade Pictures on its production of The Queen in 3D. I helped assemble and dissemble the 3D camera, which improved my technical knowledge of cameras and their functions immeasurably. My weekend job as a sales assistant in the Sound and Vision department of Sainsbury’s has also given me a much greater understanding of how films are advertised and distributed. Advising customers on film choice has helped me develop a talent for marketing films, which should be of great use when I come to make industry contacts in the Professional Development part of the course.
Many of the technical aspects of film I have taught myself by making my own Stop Motion animations and short films. My self-developed skills have not gone unnoticed and I was chosen by Cheltenham Borough Homes to edit its promotional video. The experience gave me my first taste of working for a paying client and the necessary compromises that artists must make to satisfy the needs of their financial backers. Earlier, I developed a taste for direction and managing productions when I was the team leader for a student-led production, Plunge, in which I edited a music video and, as floor manager, managed a sixteen-man crew while looking after all the cameras and equipment for the whole production. My editing work received public recognition when, as Technical Director and Chief Editor, our student-run production, Mizunderstood, was nominated for a prestigious award. I was responsible for ensuring that my crew executed all the technical aspects of the production, an experience which gave me a taste for direction and greatly improved my people and time management skills.
When not absorbed in my film work, I enjoy organising charity fund-raising events for the special care baby unit at Cheltenham Hospital. Most recently, I hosted a bazaar and organised a sporting event. I am a sports fanatic myself and I swim on a regular basis. I should like to join the swimming team at university.
I also hope that I shall be able to collaborate with fellow film students on a number of projects at university. I am determined to grasp every opportunity I shall be given at university, not only because I wish to do everything possible to ensure my dream becomes a reality, but also because I feel duty-bound to enjoy university life to the fullest, as the first person in my family to go to university.
We hope this sample Film and Television personal statement has been helpful.