When you’re coming to the end of your final year of secondary studies, you’ll be faced with two options if your overall plan is to progress into higher education. You can either stay within your own country’s academic system, or you can take the bolder step of studying in another country.
For while there are certainly many attractions of studying in your own country–being closer to your family and friends, having access to domestic tuition-fee rates and being able to study in your native language–there’s no doubt that studying abroad is a braver choice to make, and although it may feel like a step into the unknown you’ll in fact be signing up for an amazing and life-changing experience and, unless the universities in your country are already amongst the globe’s elite academic institutions, also have the option of studying at one of the world’s best universities.
So while there’s certainly no shame in opting to stay at home for your studies, there’s no doubt that becoming an international student has the potential to be much more rewarding. And, depending on what you want to study, may in fact be a necessary step for you to take to fulfil your academic or career ambitions.
The thing is, there are many different countries to choose from. And they’re by no means all the same in terms of the quality of the universities and student experiences they offer. While some countries have dozens of world-class research institutions and have a vibrant community of international students who are charged reasonable rates, others are less welcoming to students from the outside and lack institutions with top resources and academic prestige.
In essence what you’re looking for when you’re considering an overseas study destination is one whose universities are respected around the world, and where students from across the globe fit right in and combine getting a great education with having a great time.
Having led the way in opening up its higher-education system to students from overseas, Great Britain is one of the most popular destinations for international students. And it’s not hard to see why. Here are some of the top reasons why every year tens of thousands of bright young people make their way to this rainy little island to expand their minds and have some of the most fun-filled years of their lives.