
careersMost great achievements and careers begin with a plan. Having a plan will give you something to work towards and help you make the most of the opportunities that come your way. In our Plan Your Career section you’ll find advice on how to choose a career that’s a great match for you.

Career planning helps realise your ambitions and what you would like to do in your working life. A plan helps you focus on what you should do when thinking about a new career. It also helps if you would like to progress in the career you are in and this is important.

Planning needs time and careful consideration. You need to think about:

  • what you can do already
  • what you would like to do next
  • what else you need to learn.

Then you need to look into your options and decide which is the best option for you. Our university guides and course descriptions can assist you with this.

What do employers want? – Skills that employers value.

Your application – Use your application for a good impression.

Online applications – What to look out for in online applications

Example questions – Tackling questions on your job application

Personal statements – Show how you match the job spec.

Speculative applications – Tips for applying for unadvertised jobs.

Analysing job adverts – How to relate your skills to job ads.

Common mistakes – Improve your chances of being selected

Power words – phrases to help your application stand out.