The Interactive Design Institute Limited

Location:Stuart House, Eskmills, Musselburgh, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH21 7PB, UK
Phone:0800 917 1118

The Interactive Design Institute was founded in 2004 as a distance learning centre, intended to provide students with access to practical art and design subjects. Since its foundation, the IDI has gained a solid reputation as the UK's leading provider of online art and design courses. In 2008, IDI teamed up with the University of Hertfordshire and is now able to deliver its BA courses in: Illustration, Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Design, and Photography. Students can also study for MAs, Diplomas and Top Up Degrees. Students are able to study on a flexible or part-time basis, meaning that they can continue to work while studying.


Interactive Design Institute
Stuart House
East Lothian
EH21 7PB
T: 0800 917 1118