St Luke's Gospel (St Luke’s Gospel – Remember it, Test it!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

St Luke’s Gospel – Remember it, Test it!

Remember it!

religious studiesSt Luke’s Gospel is the third and longest of the four gospels in the New Testament. It covers the life of Jesus from his birth to his ascension to heaven as well as the values and beliefs that he preached.

  • Luke’s Gospel was probably written in the late part of the 1st century. Some scholars believe that Luke, the companion of St Paul, wrote the text while others say the author is unknown. However, using textual evidence, most scholars agree that whoever wrote Luke’s Gospel also wrote the New Testament’s Acts of the Apostles.
  • The Annunciation refers to the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to Mary. Gabriel tells Mary that she will have a virgin birth and that she should call the child Jesus.
  • Luke asserts the authority of Jesus by describing his empowerment by the Holy Spirit and by the titles he uses to describe Jesus. The titles include Son of God, Son of Man and the Messiah.
  • The Transfiguration is when the dead prophets Moses and Elijah appeared to the disciples Peter, James and John while they are with Jesus. They hear God’s voice, and he says Jesus is his son.

religious studiesAt the Last Supper, Jesus invites the disciples to share bread and wine, telling them that they are his flesh and his blood. This narrative forms the basis for one of the most important Christian ceremonies, the taking of communion, also known as Mass and the Eucharist.

  • Jesus taught that anybody, Jew or Gentile (non-Jew), could be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven, that poor people were as worthy as rich and powerful people, and women were equal to men. Jesus went out of his way to spend time with social outcasts such as tax collectors, prostitutes and lepers.


Test it!

  1. How did Jesus gather the disciples?
  2. Describe the first time that Jesus preached in a synagogue and the text that he read.
  3. What is the Annunciation? Give an account of it.
  4. How does Luke affirm the authority of Jesus?
  5. What is the Transfiguration?
  6. What happens at the Last Supper?
  7. Why did Jesus spend time with social outcasts such as tax collectors, prostitutes and lepers?
  8. What happens in the parable of the Good Samaritan? What does it mean?


Some top tips!

  1. Print out the Test It! Questions – it will allow you to replicate exam conditions and also allows you to give your eyes a rest from the computer screen whilst doing your crucial revision.
  2. Make a copy of the Remember It! Section and put in a place that you often look at. i.e. front of a journal, next to a mirror, on a kitchen cupboard door, etc. That way you can do some cheeky religious studies revision whilst doing those things you have to do!
