Roman Catholicism (Catholic Repsonses to Global Issues & Vocations)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Catholic Repsonses to Global Issues & Vocations

Catholic Responses to Global Issues

goatsAs a background to Catholic thinking read the biblical text Matthew 25, 31-46, the parable of the sheep and the goats. This parable deals with how Christians should act towards the poor and underprivileged, and the responsibility they have towards them.


Even if they do not accept the literal truth of the creation story in the Book of Genesis, Catholics still believe that God created the world. This belief leads many of them to support strongly the conservation of Earth. In practical terms, this can mean recycling, preservation of wildlife habitats and campaigning on green issues such as global warming.

World poverty

Jesus in his teachings made a particular point of allying himself with poor people and many Catholics believe that they should campaign for social justice around the world. Many international aid agencies have their roots in Catholic philosophy and beliefs. Examples include CAFOD and Trocaire.


Christian Vocation

Holy Orders

holy ordersWhen a man becomes a priest or a woman a nun, they are entered into Holy Orders or are ordained. This gives them a special status within the Catholic Church and their communities.

Both priests and nuns make vows of chastity, poverty and obedience to the Church.

Catholics allow only men to become priests, and insist that they must not marry or have sexual relations of any kind.

Lay Ministry

Any confirmed Catholic can be a lay minister. Some lay ministers help during church services, assisting priests. Others work with for charity and campaign for social justice.