Energy (The Use of Waves and Universe Expansion – The Big Bang Theory and Cosmic Background Radiation)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 03/03/2025

The Use of Waves and Universe Expansion – The Big Bang Theory and Cosmic Background RadiationThe Use of Waves and Universe Expansion – The Big Bang Theory and Cosmic Background Radiation

The Use of Waves and Universe Expansion – The Big Bang Theory and Cosmic Background Radiation

Scientific evidence suggests that the universe is currently expanding. It’s also shown that the universe probably originated from one specific point which then expanded very quickly in a big bang.


The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory was developed after a lot of scientific evidence and observations were compiled. It states that the universe began as one very small point. Then, about 13.7 billion years ago, this point suddenly enlarged rapidly in a hot explosion or a ‘big bang’. Today, this expansion is still taking place. To back up this claim, astronomers have picked up cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) which they think is heat that still remains after the explosion occurred.


Cosmic background radiation

Scientists have found that in space microwaves are traveling in all directions. This is known as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR).

This radiation originates from the Big Bang, when the universe began. However, the theory is unable to explain why CMBR exists.

Remember that the Big Bang is a theory and so no-one knows for sure (and possibly never will) how the universe began. However, the evidence collected so far can be used to back the theory up.

  • – The red-shifted light from distant galaxies could mean that galaxies are traveling away from each other.
  • – The more distant a galaxy is the more its light is red-shifted which supports the idea that the universe may have started from one explosion as the whole universe is expanding together.
  • – CMBR could be the energy left after the Big Bang.

  • Energy