Sikhism (Justice, Equality, the Right to Life & Personal Lifestyle)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Justice, Equality, the Right to Life & Personal Lifestyle

The role and status of women

religious studiesThe Guru Granthi Sahib states that men and women are equal. Women can lead religious ceremonies just as men can. When Sikhism was first introduced, its elevation of women to a position of equality with men was revolutionary. The Sikh scriptures teach that discrimination is wrong. Sikhs believe that everyone is equal in the eyes of God.

Wealth and poverty

Sikhs believe that wealth should be used to benefit the needy and the Sikh concept of Sewa gives an obligation to give up time in serving others.


Sikhs believe that life starts at conception and so abortion is not acceptable.


Most Sikhs reject euthanasia because it interferes with the work of God who alone should decide the time of death.


Personal Lifestyle

The Three Duties:

Religious studiesSikhs believe that there are three essential duties which must be followed by those who wish to be known as good Sikhs. These are:

Nam Japna, knowing God through prayer and meditation.

Kirt Karna, hard work and honesty. Sikhs believe it is wrong to do work associated with gambling, alcohol or tobacco. It is also wrong to beg.

Vand Chakna, caring for others and giving to charity. (Literally, sharing one’s earnings with others; giving to charity and caring for others.)


Sewa is the Sikh concept of service to the community. There are three types of Sewa:

Tan, physical service at the Gurdwara or Langar.

Man, intellectual service such as studying the scriptures.

Dhan, service to other people, including giving to charity.

The five Ks

religious studiesGuru Gobind Singh created the five Ks in 1699 and they are worn by Khalsa members as a form of identification. The Five Ks are each open to different interpretations of their symbolism. They are:

Kesh, uncut hair.

Kara, a steel bracelet.

Kanga, a wooden comb.

Kaccha, cotton underwear.

Kirpan, steel sword.
