Philosophy of Religion (Remember it, Test it!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Remember it, Test it!

religious studies

  • The six major world religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
  • The first cause or cosmological argument for the existence of God states that somebody or something must have created the universe and everything in it.
  • The design or teleological argument for the existence of God says that the universe is so complex, it must have been designed. Therefore, someone or something must have designed it.
  • The argument from religious experience that a god exists involves faith that people have gained from their own personal experience of religion or a god.
  • Atheists say that no objective evidence exists to prove the existence of a god. It is simply a matter of individual faith. Agnostics believe that there might be a god, but are not certain.

religious study

  • One explanation for evil is the ‘Free will defence’. God must give people free will to choose good or evil. If people have no choice, there is no virtue in taking the path of goodness.
  • Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists believe in the concept of Karma. This is the idea that actions during life, good or bad, will have a related consequence later in life or after death in a reincarnated life.


Test it!

1) What are the six major world religions?
2) What is the difference between the beliefs of an agnostic and an atheist?
3) What is the cosmological argument for the existence of a god?
4) What is the teleological argument for the existence of a god?
5) What are the counter arguments to the cosmological and teleological arguments?
6) How can evil be a power for good?
7) What is Karma?
8) Can the creation story in the Bible be reconciled with modern scientific thinking?


Some top tips!

  1. Print out the Test It! Questions – it will allow you to replicate exam conditions and also allows you to give your eyes a rest from the computer screen whilst doing your crucial revision.
  2. Make a copy of the Remember It! Section and put in a place that you often look at. i.e. front of a journal, next to a mirror, on a kitchen cupboard door, etc. That way you can do some cheeky religious studies revision whilst doing those things you have to do!
