Christian Ethics (Introduction & Personal Responsibility)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 22/02/2025

Introduction & Personal Responsibility

religious studiesA code of ethics is a system of beliefs, teachings, and practices that effect the way people lead their lives. Christian ethics are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Bible. Some Christian denominations interpret the Bible differently, and so take different views on what Christian ethics mean.


Personal Responsibility


religious studiesChristians believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage, the union of a man and a woman before God. Sexual relations are only permissible within marriage. Adultery, sex with a partner you are not married to, is a sin.


Homosexuality is one of the most divisive issues for Christians. Some people believe that it is always a sin and never acceptable. Some Christians even claim that homosexuality is a curable disease.

The Roman Catholic Church completely rejects homosexuality, but the Church of England has increasingly accepted it in recent years. Some Anglican vicars are prepared to bless single sex marriage, although this ceremony has no official status within the Church. Quakers have allowed same-sex marriage since 1987.


Most Protestant Christians accept contraception as long as it is used for family planning rather than to allow promiscuous sexual relations.

religious studiesThe Roman Catholic Church has consistently ruled against all artificial methods of contraception, although surveys of even observant Catholics have shown that this part of the Church’s teachings is ignored by the majority.

The Catholic Church does allow ‘natural‘ methods of contraception including the rhythm method. However, even this should only be used in the context of responsible family planning.

Drug use

Christians reject the use of illegal drugs but accept the responsible use of alcohol.
