- Sex identity refers to whether we are male/female.
- Gender identity is about behaviour and perception.
Psychodynamic theory
A child between 3-5 goes through the phallic stage.
- We are driven by strong unconscious sexual urges.
- The Oedipus complex: the boy desires the mother.
- The complex is resolved by identifying with the father.
- The Electra complex: the girl desires the father
- The complex is resolved by identifying with the mother.
- Gender disturbances caused by absent father.
Freud’s theory criticised for lacking evidence.
Social learning theory
- Children observe behaviour of same-sex parent and role models.
- Vicarious reinforcement.
- TV plays a large role in this development.
Criticised for not considering genetics as part of the answer.
Gender schema theory
- Mental frameworks that grows with age.
- A sliding scale between low and high gender schematised children.
- Levy and Carta (1989) found that kids low on the scale went forless gender stereotyped toys.
- This theory is well supported by evidence.
Test It!
- What is the difference between sex identity and gender identity?
- What is the psychodynamic theory of gender development? What criticisms have been made of this theory?
- What is the gender learning theory of gender development?
- What criticisms have been made of this theory?
- What links have been made between television and gender identity?
- What is the gender schema theory of gender development. What criticisms have been made of this theory?
- Describe an experiment that has been done on children and gender identity. Be sure to mention aims, method, results and conclusions.