School and Sport (Sporting roles & Role Models)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 22/02/2025

Sporting roles & Role ModelsSporting roles & Role Models

Sporting roles & Role Models

Being so much in the lime light sportspeople, officials and even spectators have to keep a check on their behaviour and conduct.

Football is a very good example. In terms of the players, diving in order to get a free kick or penalty has become more and more popular. The referee can find himself surrounded if a decision made is not to the liking of a team. Disagreements on the pitch between players can even develop into violence once off the pitch. This aggressive stance is the reason why supporters are segregated. Well-organised policing and stewarding helps to prevent any outbreaks of violence as does video surveillance. Troublemakers will be banned from further matches and information is shared internationally. For Premier League and international games all-seater stadia are required.

Rugby is another aggressive game and a contact sport. Violence can occur but arguing with the referee is penalised. At the end of a game players are expected to clap each other off in an attempt to leave any issues on the pitch.

Cricket, on the other hand, has only a light police and steward presence. In fact, opposition fans even sit intermingled together in the stands.


Sporting roles

How you find PE can seriously affect your attitude towards sport. There are a number of roles that you’ll be able to participate in and which have benefits both for you personally and for others.

Role Goal Personal benefits Benefits to others







Develop the ability to make plans that improve their performanceTo control the activity and interpret the rules and regulations, including the equipment

Influence the players towards a set goal or behaviour and prepare the players with specific skills, techniques, physical state and mental state

Watch the activity

To motivate and lead the other players

Influence the players towards a set goal or behaviour and prepare the players with specific skills, techniques, physical state and mental state

Brings all the essentials together in order to optimise promotion, participation and the best standard of performance

Designs or arranges staged dances or other performances

PleasureSuccessBetter knowledge of rules

Able to contribute although not participating directly

Improve self-confidence

Better knowledge of rules

Gain qualifications


Improve knowledge

Improve self-confidence

Develop leadership skills

Improve self-confidence

Gain qualifications

Improve organisational skills

Able to contribute although not participating directly

Improves creativity

Develop new ideas

PleasureSuccessTeachers able to teach as opposed to umpire or referee

Improve performance



Assist coach

Encourage participation

Role model

Ensure the sport can take place

Creates new and challenging material for dancers

There are also a number of other vocational opportunities available through sport:

      • sports performer
      • PE teacher
      • physiotherapist
      • sports management
