Attitudes to Sport (Remember it, Test it!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Remember it, Test it!

Remember it, Test it!

Attitudes to sports and different types of sport are always changing. The media and safety issues can have a major impact on these attitudes.

  • Different organisations and governing bodies are in charge of sport within a nation and of keeping track of these trends.
  • Governing bodies and local authorities also influence sport.
  • Peer and family attitudes can affect how someone feels about sport.
  • Gender, race and socio-economic situations also play a major part in what sport can mean to someone.
  • Today, many people have more leisure time and local authorities and the leisure industry are keen for them to take up sport for recreation.
  • Sport facilities are provided by a number of organisations including local authorities, private clubs and governing bodies.
  • The distribution of facilities depends on demand, location, scope and funding.
  • Sporting events are a great way to promote sport however for the hosting country there are a number of advantages and disadvantages.


Test it!

1) The Physical Education and Sport Strategy for Young People (PESSYP) is having a big impact on sport in schools.

a) What are its key aims?

b) Write down to three strands of the PESSYP and describe them.

i. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ii. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

iii. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) A local town council has started to discuss whether it would be a good idea to build a local sports centre.

a) Name two issues that could affect their decision and why.

i. __________________________________________________________

ii. __________________________________________________________

b) What’s the difference between a local governing body and a sports governing body?

c) Nowadays people have much more leisure time to enjoy sport in. Give three reasons why?

i. __________________________________________________________

ii. __________________________________________________________

iii. __________________________________________________________

3) Lauren comes from a very sporty family whereas Joanna’s family aren’t so active.

a) Why might Lauren be more inclined to take up a sport than Joanna?

b) How can peer pressure have a positive and negative impact on whether these girls take up a sport?

c) Lauren and Joanna are both female: name one difficulty they might face if they want to get into sport professionally.



i. 5 hour offer or 5 x 60 or 16+ 5 hours more likely to be out of school

ii. 2 hours curriculum time for PE
iii. 3 hours extra-curricular time

b) Choose three from:

i. Club links
ii. Competition
iii. Coaching
iv. Continuing professional development
v. Gifted and Talented
vi. Swimming
vii. Leadership and volunteering
viii. Disability
ix. Extending activities
x. Infrastructure

a) Examples:

i. Demand: if there’s no demand then it would be a waste of money.

ii. Scope: if there’s no space to build it close to the centre then maybe it would be hard for people to reach.

iii. Funding: there needs to be enough money not only to build it but to keep it going.

b) Local authorities organise sports centres and outdoor pitches within their governing area for the general public while sports governing bodies provide facilities for training and performance for more professional athletes.

c) Examples:

i. working for a shorter period of their life
ii. living longer so they have more time after they retire

iii. being able to afford to take time off my holidays as they get paid for this period

iv. being able to job share or work part-time

v. spending less time on housework

a) Because she could have more motivation from her family to start up a sport or start to like it because she’s surrounded by it more.

b) The peer pressure could be positive in the sense that the friends enjoy sport and so the girls are more likely to take part in sport also. If the peer pressure is the opposite in that the friends dislike sport or discourage the girls from taking part in sport then this will have a negative impact.

c) Examples:

i. harder for women to take part in many sports

ii. they have to deal with stereotypes
iii. they could feel intimidated


Some Top Tips!

  1. Print out the Test It! Questions – it will allow you to replicate exam conditions and also allows you to give your eyes a rest from the computer screen whilst doing your crucial revision.
  2. Make a copy of the Remember It! Section and put in a place that you often look at. i.e. front of a journal, next to a mirror, on a kitchen cupboard door, etc. That way you can do some cheeky PE revision whilst doing those things you have to do!
