Health (Vocabulary and Phrases)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 22/02/2025

Vocabulary and Phrases

Here are some of the useful terms and phrases that are relevant to this topic.

GCSE French - Alcoolalcool l’(m) = alcohol

alimentation l’(f) = food/nutrition

aller bien/mieux = feeling better

beurre le = butter

boeuf le = beef

boire = to drink

caf le = coffee

champignon le = mushroom

chips les (m) = crisps

chocolat chaud le = hot chocolate

chou-fleur le = cauliflower

cidre le = cider

citron le = lemon

coca le = Coca Cola

coeur le = heart

comprim le = pill

confiture la = jam

couteau le = knife

crme la (solaire) = sun screenGCSE French - Creme Solaire

crpe la = pancake

cuisine la = kitchen

djeuner le = lunch

dner le = dinner (evening meal)

drogue la = drug

se droguer = to drug (one self)

eau l’(f) = water

eau minrale l’(f) = mineral water

eau potable/non potable l’(f) = drinkable/non-drinkable water

en bonne forme = in good shape

en bonne sant = in good health

quilibr = balanced

faim la = hunger

fatigant = tiring

fatigu = tired

fourchette la = fork (noun)

frais = fresh

GCSE French - Fraisefraise la = strawberry

frites les (f) = chips (fries)

fromage le = cheese

fruits de mer les (m) = seafood

fumer = to smoke (verb)

fumeur/non fumeur le = smoker/non-smoker

gteau le = cake

got le = flavour/taste (noun)

goter = to taste (verb)

gras = greasy

habitude l’(f) = habit

haricot vert le = green bean

huile l’(f) = oil (noun)

(s’) inquiter = to worry (verb)

jambon le = ham

lgume le = vegetable

limonade la = lemonade

mal (avoir mal) = pain (to be in pain)

GCSE French - Malademalade = ill/sick

maladie la = illness/sickness

manger = to eat

mdecin le = the doctor

mdicament le = medicine

nourriture la = food

obsit l’(f) = obesity

odeur l’(f) = smell (noun)

uf l’(m) = egg

pain le = bread

ptes les (f) = pasta

petit djeuner le = breakfast

petits pois les (m) = peas

poire la = pear

poisson le = fish

pomme la = apple

pomme de terre la = potato

poulet le = chicken

Fruits and veggies in heart tapergime le = diet

repas le = meal

riz le = rice

sain = healthy

sant la = health

sel le = salt

soif la = thirst

sucre le = sugar

tabac le = tobacco

th le = tea

vgtarien = vegetarian

verre le = glass

viande la = meat

vivre= to live

jus le (de fruit/d’orange) = juice (fruit/orange)

lait le = milk

L’alcool n’est pas bon pour la sant.

Alcohol is bad for your health.

Est-ce que tu te sens mieux maintenant?

Are you feeling better now?

GCSE French - Chocolat ChaudJe veux commander un chocolat chaud.

I would like to order a hot chocolate.

Il me faut un couteau et fourchette.

I need a knife and fork.

Un rgime quilibr.

A balanced diet.

Nous devons appeler un mdecin.

We must call a doctor.

GCSE French - Eau PotableEst-ce que c’est de l’eau potable?

Is this water safe to drink?

Je suis vgtarienne alors je ne mange pas de viande.

I am vegetarian and therefore I do not eat meat.

Je suis fatigu alors je vais me reposer un peu.

I am tired, so I am going to rest a little while.

Il mange du pain avec de la confiture.

He is eating bread with jam.

Le repas est trop gras pour manger.

The meal is too greasy to eat.
