Home and Local (Vocabulary and Phrases)
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Vocabulary and Phrases

Here are some of the useful terms and phrases that are relevant to this topic:

GCSE French - L'Appartementappartement l’(m) – apartment

anniversaire l’ (m) – birthday

arbre l’(m) – tree

armoire l’(f) – wardrobe

arrt l’(m) (d’autobus) – bus-stop

(s’) asseoir – to sit down

btiment le – building

bibliothque la – library

bote de nuit la – night club

boum la – party

bruit le – noise

bureau le – office/desk

cave la – cellar

chaise la – chair

chambre – bedroom

cl la – key

club des jeunes le – youth club/centre

code postal le – post code

GCSE French - le commissariatCommissariat le – police station

confortable – comfortable

(se) coucher – (go to) sleep

couloir le – corridor

cuisine la – kitchen

dmnager – to move (house)

dormir – to sleep

glise l’(f) – church

entrer – to enter

escalier l’(m) – staircase

espace l’(m) – space

tage l’(m) – floor/level

faire du jardinage – gardening

faire le mnage – (doing) household tasks

faire la vaisselle – (doing) the washing-up

fentre la – window

ferme la – farm (noun)

fte la – party (noun)

fleur la – flower (noun)GCSE French - la fleur

four le ( micro-ondes)– oven/microwave

frigo le – fridge

garder – keep

grenier – attic

habitant l’(m) – resident

habiter – to live/reside (in)

historique – historical (adjective)

htel de ville l’(m) – city hall

le l’(f) – island

immeuble l’(m) – building

industrie l’(f) – industry

industriel – industrial

jardin le – garden

lave-vaisselle le – dish-washer

(se) laver – to wash (oneself)

laver la voiture – to wash the car

se lever – to get up

GCSE French - le litlit le – bed

maison la (individuelle/jumele)– house (freestanding/terraced)

mariage le – marriage

mtro le – tube/underground (transport)

mettre – to put

meuble le – (piece of) furniture

miroir le – mirror

montagne la – mountain

monter – to climb/go up

montrer – to show

mur le wall

muse le – museum

nettoyer – to clean

Nol – Christmas

Nouvel An le – New Year’s

Pques – Easter

parc le – park

pice la – room

placard le – cupboardGCSE French - le placard

place la – (town) square

plafond le – ceiling

plante la – plant (noun)

pont le – bridge

porte la (d’ entre) – (front) door

priv – private

quartier le – neighbourhood

rveil le – alarm (clock)

(se) rveiller – to wake up/get up

rez-de-chausse le – ground floor

rideau le – curtain

rivire la – river

Saint-Valentin la – Valentines Day

salle manger la – dining room

salon le – living room

serviette la – napkin

sous-sol le – underground

tapis le – carpet

terrasse la – terrace/patioGCSE French - la terrasse

toit le – roof

trottoir le – pavement

(se) trouver – located

vache la – cow

vie la – life

Useful Phrases

Mon appartement est au deuxime tage de l’immeuble.

My apartment is on the second floor of the building.

Elle a dmnag dans une maison plus grande.

She moved to a larger house.

GCSE French - ReveilMon rveil a sonn six heures le matin, le temps que je dois me lever.

My alarm rang at six o’clock in the morning, the time at which I must get up.

Est-ce que tu veux que je fasse la vaisselle?

Would you like me to do the washing-up?

Ne t’inquites pas, je vais utiliser le lave-vaisselle.

Don’t worry, I’m going to use the dishwasher.

Il y a du lait et du yaourt dans le frigo.

There is milk and yogurt in the fridge.

GCSE French - Plante de fleursElle a plant des fleurs dans le jardin.

She planted some flowers in the garden.

Nous avons ft le Nouvel An ensemble.

We celebrated the New Year together.

La salle de bains est au fond du couloir.

The bathroom is at the end of the corridor.

Quel est ton code postal?

What is your post code?

GCSE French - PlantesIl y avait beaucoup de plantes dans la pice.

There were a lot of plants in the room.

Nous avons bu du vin sur la terrasse.

We drank some wine on the terrace.