Home and Local (Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet

1) Indicate if the following statements are true or false by circling TRUE or FALSE.

GCSE French - velo pour aller a l'ecoleSometimes Calvin’s mother drops him off at school, but most of the time he cycles to school.


It is the other way around: sometimes Calvin cycles to school, but usually his mother drops him off on the way to work: “Parfois, je prends mon vlo pour aller l’cole, mais en gnral ma mre me dpose avant d’aller au travail.

The walls of Calvin’s bedroom are green.


Calvin’s bedroom walls are blue (“(…) ma chambre a des murs bleus”).

Sometimes Calvin’s dad prepares dinner.


Usually Calvin’s mother prepares dinner, but sometimes his dad does it: “Normalement, ma mre prpare le dner, mais des fois mon papa le prpare.”

2) Which household chore does Calvin say his mother sometimes asks him to do?

His mother occasionally asks him to vacuum clean/hoover: “Parfois, ma mre me fait aussi faire des tches mnagres, comme passer l’aspirateur.

GCSE French - Cinema3) What does Calvin say about his neighbourhood?

Calvin says his neighbourhood is nice, but there isn?’t much to do because it’s all residential. He says he sometimes plays football outside with other boys in the neighbourhood. If he wants to go and watch a film or do other things, he must take the bus into town.

(“Mon quartier est agrable, mais il n’y a pas grand chose faire parce que c’est tout rsidentiel. Parfois, je joue au football dehors avec d’autres garons qui vivent dans le quartier. Par contre, si je veux aller voir un film ou autre chose, je dois prendre le bus pour aller en ville.“)

4) What is the French word for ‘wardrobe’ that you can identify in the text?


5) Calvin’s bedroom is in/on the:

b. attic (‘grenier’).
