Environment (Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 21/01/2025

Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet

GCSE French - prend le velo1) Indicate if the following statements are true or false by circling TRUE or FALSE.

Maurice’s mother takes the train to work.


Maurice’s dad takes the train to work; Maurice’s mother goes to work on her bike. (“Mon pre avait l’habitude d’aller au travail en voiture, mais maintenant il prend le train. Ma mre prend le vlo pour aller son bureau.“)

On Lucille’s last family holiday, they went to Germany.


Lucille’s family went toSpainon their last holiday (‘Espagne’).

James says he washes his clothes at a lower temperature because it is more environmentally-friendly.


(“Aussi, je lave mes vtements 30 degrs maintenant, au lieu de 40 degrs ou encore plus.“)

2) What does James’ family do to reduce their water consumption?

Upon James’ mother’s suggestion, they all spend shorter amounts of time in the shower. (“Ma mre a suggr que nous passons tous moins de temps sous la douche, ce qui tait difficile au dbut, mais maintenant, nous y sommes tous habitus“.)

GCSE French - Le Chauffage3) What does Lucille’s family do to reduce their heating bill?

In Lucille’s house, they don’t put the heating on full power and they don’t heat all the rooms in the house at once: “Dans ma maison, nous ne mettons pas le chauffage au plus haut en hiver, et nous ne mettons certainement pas le chauffage dans toutes les pices en mme temps.”

4) What is the French word for ‘organic’ that you can identify in the text?


5) Maurice’s mother uses the garden to:

a. grow vegetables (‘lgumes’).