Holidays and Free Time (Comprehension 2 Answer sheet)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Comprehension 2 Answer sheet

1) Indicate if the following statements are true or false by circling TRUE or FALSE.

GCSE French - London Tower BridgeMarc went to London with his sister.


Il est all avec sa sur (…)“.

Marc thought the museums in London were boring.


Marc says that he enjoyed visiting museums as it gave him a better understanding of the country’s history. (“J’ai bien aim les visites aux muses, car a m’a donn une meilleure comprhension de l’histoire du pays.“).

Marc says that they mainly used the underground to get around London.


Most of the time, Marc and his sister travelled by foot or took the bus (“La plupart du temps, nous nous sommes dplacs pied ou nous avons pris le bus.“).

2) Which tourist attraction does Marc recommend to his friend Julien, and why?

Marc recommends going to Madame Tussauds, which he found very entertaining. (“(…) nous sommes alls au muse Madame Tussauds. C’tait vraiment spectaculaire et amusant, et je te conseille d’y aller aussi “).

GCSE French - Cinema3) What does Marc say about his experience of going to watch a movie in London?

Marc says that he went to watch a film while his sister went shopping on Oxford Street. He says that he was unable to understand parts of what was being said as his English is not very good. (“(…) je suis all voir un film anglophone au cinma. Le seul problme tait que je ne comprenais pas certaines parties du film parce que mon anglais n’est pas trs bon.“)

4) What is the French word for ‘money’ that you can identify in the text?


5) What does Marc recommend his friend Julien buy in London?

a. a public transport card