Socialising and Media (Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Comprehension 2 Answer Sheet

1) Indicate if the following statements are true or false by circling TRUE or FALSE.

GCSE French - Shopping BagsDamien does not understand his girlfriend’s shopping habit.


Janice says that she only buys things she really needs.


Janice indicates that she often buys things that she really doesn’t need

(“…je finis souvent par acheter des choses dont je n’ai vraiment pas besoin.“)

Damien and Janice like to do various water sports together.


Damien and Janice like to do fun activities together, in particular water sports like surfing.

(“Ils aiment faire des activits amusantes ensemble, en particulier les sports nautiques comme le surf.“)

2) What reasons does Janice give for her shopping habit?

Janice says she is tempted to buy the latest trends in the magazines she reads, and when she spends time with her friends during the weekend.

(“C’est parce que quand je lis les magazines, j’ai toujours envie d’acheter les derniers trucs la mode. Sinon, c’est parce que quand je passe mon temps avec mes amis le week-end, je finis souvent par acheter des choses dont je n’ai vraiment pas besoin.“)

GCSE French - Piggy Bank3) What made Janice realise that she should make more of an attempt to save money?

Janice says that when her friends all went to Barcelona the previous year, she was unable to come with them (due to financial constraints). This made her realise that she should make more of an effort to save money rather than spend it straight away.

(“L’anne dernire, certains de ses amis sont alls Barcelone, mais elle n’tait pas en mesure d’aller avec eux. a m’a vraiment fait raliser – peut-tre je devrais essayer d’conomiser de l’argent au lieu de le dpenser tout de suite, dit-elle.“)

4) What is the French word for ‘shoes’ that you can identify in the text?


5) Which of the following types of shoes does Damien not make reference to when listing examples of his girlfriend’s collection?

b. boots