Speaking and Listening (Visual Aids)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Visual Aids

CaptureThese could be images relating to your topic. For example, if you are giving a presentation for GCSE English Language about how Animal Farm relates to Communism, you could have images of the characters and who they represent in the Russian Revolution.

These visual aids could be put up on the board behind you so that the audience can see them clearly. This will help to engage them because they will have a visual idea of what you are talking about. Images like these will also provide evidence to support your argument. For example, the horse, Boxer, is meant to be a representative of the hardworking but overly trusting common people. Showing him working hard on the farm to pull and break rocks, as well as a picture of Russian workers during the revolution, will reinforce the idea of hard times and make the audience feel more sympathetic.



As well as using visual aids in slideshows, you can include shorty, snappy phrases of writing to reinforce your presentation. The writing will allow the audience to pick out the key information of your presentation and can emphasise some of your points


Visual aids and slideshows should be used to reinforce your points and to engage the audience. You may use them as prompts and, though only if you lose your train of thought during speaking, you can glance at them to find your place. However, this must not be done constantly unless you are pointing something out.

With slideshows, you MUST resist the urge to read text straight from them. Remember articulation, body position and body language. The audience will be able to hear you more clearly if you are speaking towards them rather than the board, if you are positioned to face them and if you are using engaging gestures. Nobody wants to see your back!