Understanding Texts (Test Yourself!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 09/03/2025

Test Yourself!

  1. What are the four key writing aspects?
  2. List 3 potential themes in a piece of creative writing.
  3. Choose a piece of creative writing (a novel or short story) and write a paragraph about how the author establishes one of the characters. Include the following:
    1. Relationships between that character and two other characters.
    2. Why are they important to the plot?
    3. How does the author use language to reveal two aspects of their personality?
    4. How does the character change in the novel? (Or is there a point when the character should change but does not?)
    5. Define internal and external conflicts.
    6. An example of an external contrast is:
      1. When two characters argue in the text and start to fight.
      2. Two characters who, in some way, are the opposite of each other.
      3. A character who acts in contrasting ways, being one thing at the start of the novel and another towards the end.
      4. True or false? Characters should change during a piece of creative writing.
      5. What are the two key components of a story’s setting?
      6. What is an alternative name for setting?
      7. Define pathetic fallacy.
      8. Write three paragraphs about the methods authors use to define characters, using examples from literature that you have read.
      9. Name as many AFOREST writing techniques as possible.
      10. Choose one essay title from below and make a plan that shows how you would answer it. You should include your overall argument, conclusion and what you would put in each paragraph. In this plan should also be possible quotes you could use to support your arguments in each paragraph.
        1. Explore how an author uses language to show the relationships between a main character and other characters in a text of your choice.
        2. Compare the main characters from two texts. Do the authors use similar language techniques to reveal their characters?
        3. How does a central character relate to the theme of family in your text?
        4. Characters should change during a story, developing some area of their personality which has been holding them back. Discuss this quote in relation to one or more characters in a text of your choice.
        5. Examine the theme of love/innocence/loneliness/power/prejudice or racism in a text. How does this theme relate to the idea of conflict?
        6. Identify the Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Denouement in a text. Use quotes to support your decisions.

    End of section.

Proceed with more English Language GCSE Revision – Next topic: Writing Texts