Speaking and Listening (Test it!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 23/02/2025

Test it!

  1. For your GCSE English Language exam you have been asked to give your opinion on something you are passionate about by giving a presentation in front of the class. List three possible subjects you could talk about.
  2. How would you research a subject? Pick out the three most appropriate methods from the following:
    1. Interview other people and research what they say to confirm it.
    2. Interview other people and trust everything they say immediately.
    3. Focus on what you know and make up the rest.
    4. Find one article from the internet and write down everything it says.
    5. Examine several internet articles and cross-reference your information.
    6. Gather information from textbooks.
    7. Why is it important to research your subject?
    8. What does PEA stand for?
    9. Ella is giving a presentation about why students should be allowed a say in the spending of school funds. Unfortunately, she has dropped her cue cards which have titles of each of her section to help her remember the order of her speech. Put them in the right order:
Card A

  • Schools talk about giving students more responsibilities to help them
  • Perfect opportunity to do this.
Card B

  • Sum up arguments…
  • …Support my campaign for Student Says and together we can make a difference.
Card C

  • The most important thing
  • We are the learners
  • We know what helps us study and concentrate
Card D

  • I am here today to talk about school funds.
  • We deserve to have a say in decisions for several reasons…
Card E

  • Good way for forming working relationships between management, teachers and students.
  1. Find a written copy of a speech and identify all the persuasive techniques the speaker used. Try to read out the speech several times and consider how to place emphasis on these techniques. Think about your volume, gestures etc.
  2. Below are types of persuasive techniques.
    1. Identify each technique
    2. Read each sentence aloud
    3. Think about your use of voice (articulation) and read each sentence two more times, using voice techniques as well.
You know the impact your rubbish is having on the environment.
Help houses graciously go green this summer by switching off lights and conserving energy.
If there was a chance you could save one animal’s life, would you?
The man’s hands shook as he described the agony of his defeat.
You know you cannot resist the chocolaty taste of our brand new bar.
The fascinating, thought-provoking, hilarious film will have you on the edge of your seat.
Students deserve a say. We deserve to be given responsibility. We deserve to be allowed to make decisions about our school.
The book presents a world which is terrifyingly true.
  1. What does ABC stand for?
  2. Explain how tone can help you engage an audience.
  3. Why is clarity important when speaking?
  4. List 3 examples of:
    1. How to vary your pitch and volume for effect.
    2. Gestures
    3. Write a presentation with the aim of convincing group businesspeople to buy your product (as on Dragon’s Den). The product can already exist or you can make one up. After you have written the presentation, write down five questions they could ask you and the answers you would give.

Section complete – Excellent work!

Next topic: Understanding Texts