Christian Ethics (Remember it, Test it!)
0 Pages | Leaving School | 07/03/2025

Remember it, Test it!

religious studies

    • Christian ethics are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as expressed in the Bible.
    • Most Christians are opposed to abortion, although many will accept it in a few well-defined sets of circumstances. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that abortion is never acceptable as it constitutes the deliberate taking of life.
    • Most Christians reject euthanasia because they believe that life is a gift from God, and only He has the right to take it.
    • Some Christians believe that if a couple cannot have children for any reason, this is the will of God and it should not be challenged. Others believe that since we have created the technologies such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) there is no moral reason not to use them to help people have children.
    • Many Christians reject genetic engineering as this interferes with the creation of life itself, and only God has the right to do this.
    • Christians believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage, the union of a man and a woman before God. Sexual relations are only permissible within marriage. Adultery, sex with a partner you are not married to, is a sin.
    • Some Christians believe that homosexuality is always a sin and never acceptable. Some Anglican vicars are prepared to bless single sex marriage, although this ceremony has no official status within the Church. Quakers have allowed same-sex marriage since 1987.

religious studiesMost Protestant Christians accept contraception as long as it is used for family planning rather than to allow promiscuous sexual relations. The Roman Catholic Church has consistently ruled against all artificial methods of contraception.

    • Christians reject the use of illegal drugs but accept the responsible use of alcohol.
    • Christians get married in Church in a ceremony presided over by a vicar, minister or priest. The purpose of marriage is to recognise a relationship in public and in the eyes of God and to build a family life with children.
    • All Christians regard divorce as something to be avoided. Strength of opposition to divorce varies enormously, with more conservative Christians likely to take a harder line against divorce. Since 2002, the Church of England has allowed church marriages where one or more partner is divorced, but only if certain conditions are met.
    • Jesus Christ taught that prejudice and discrimination were wrong and went out of his way to associate with social outcasts such as prostitutes and lepers.

religious studies

    • Christians believe that God created the world. This belief leads many of them to strongly support the conservation of Earth.
    • Jesus made a particular point of allying himself with poor people and many Christians believe that they should campaign for social justice around the world.
    • Most Christians are opposed to war and armed conflict in most circumstances and some denominations such as Quakers are opposed to it in all circumstances.
    • Many Christians accept the idea of the ‘just war’. This concept states that in some cases it is justified to take up arms in the pursuit of correcting injustice.


Test it!

1) What is the basis of Christian ethics?
2) Describe Christian views on abortion.
3) What are Christian attitudes to fertility treatment?
4) Describe Christian beliefs about marriage.
5) Describe the different views of Christians about homosexuality.
6) What do Christians believe about contraception?
7) What do Christians believe about prejudice and discrimination?
8) How do the teachings of Jesus effect the way Christians treat poverty?
9) Describe the concept of ‘just war’.
10 What are Christian attitudes to the death penalty?


Some top tips!

  1. Print out the Test It! Questions – it will allow you to replicate exam conditions and also allows you to give your eyes a rest from the computer screen whilst doing your crucial revision.
  2. Make a copy of the Remember It! Section and put in a place that you often look at. i.e. front of a journal, next to a mirror, on a kitchen cupboard door, etc. That way you can do some cheeky religious studies revision whilst doing those things you have to do!
