Great Yarmouth College

Address and Location

UCS is a new type of higher education provider. The organisation works with several other universities to offer degrees in its own name, operating across six sites in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Otley and at Suffolk New College. UCS aims to offer an environment where students, staff, business and education interact in new and exciting ways.

Ipswich Campus
University Campus Suffolk
Waterfront Building
Neptune Quay
T: 01473 338000

Background and History

UCS was officially launched on 1 August 2007, making it one of the newest universities in the UK. The institute is the fruit of a partnership between the University of East Anglia, University of Essex, Great Yarmouth College, Lowestoft College, Otley College, Suffolk New College and West Suffolk College. Until the founding of the college, Suffolk was one of only four counties in the UK without a HE institution.

Location and Accessibility

The main UCS campus is in Ipswich, accessible via the Ipswich and Derby Road railway stations, and the A14/A176 into the city. Visit the university website for details on how to find each campus.

What's on Offer?

UCS offers a range of foundational and undergraduate degrees.

Entry Requirements

Entry standards vary between subjects, with foundation and undergraduate degree courses requiring a 200 and 280 UCAS points respectively. Specific programme information can be found on the UCS website.