Let us help you find work experience using one of our careers team


Let us help you find work experience using one of our careers team

Break into your chosen industry
0845 548 8284

What can we do for you? 1 week placement £250, 2 week placement £350

Call our careers team today on 0845 548 8284 or alternatively email us at [email protected] to secure the work experience placement of your choice.

At Leaving School we strive to remove the hassle – making endless phone calls
and typing emails – from securing a top work experience placement. We have exceptional contacts all over the UK within every industry. Also, by sitting down with one of the careers team before and after your placement, we can ensure that you are ready for the next stage of your career’s development. Included in all of our work experience placements are two consultations and a CV or personal statement edits to ensure that you get to where you want to be. Work experience is vital for all school and university leavers, and Leaving School.com is here to make your aspirations reality.

What do you get?

  • A placement in a top organisation within your chosen industry
  • Two consultations with our careers team before and after your placement
  • A personal careers adviser throughout the work experience placement
  • A final consultation with your personal careers advisor to help tailor your CV and covering letter or personal statement for your next stage
1 week placement£250
2 week placement£350

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