Bryan likes to read magazines.
The text states that Bryan likes to read comic books, and his sister Madeleine likes to read magazines.
Bryan also likes to play badminton.
Madeleine thinks reading comic books is stupid.
Madeleine indicates that she thinks comic books are dumb.
(Sa sur Madeleine n’aime pas les bandes dessines parce qu’elle pense qu’elles sont btes. Pourquoi lirai-je quelque chose d’aussi stupide?)
2) Why does Bryan like to read comic books?
When asked, Bryan says that by reading, he can imagine himself as a super-hero with special powers.
(Quand je lis, je peux m’imaginer comme un super-hros avec des pouvoirs spciaux).
3) Using your French language skills and in the space below, list one activity you like to do, and explain why you enjoy it.
Candidates should adopt a similar style to that demonstrated the text. Examples could include:
– ‘jouer au foot‘
– ‘aller en bote de nuit‘
– ‘faire du ski‘
Candidates should also give a specific reason for enjoying their chosen activity and set this out in grammatically correct French.
4) What is the French term for ‘cartoons’ that you can identify in the text?
‘bandes dssines’.
5) Madeleine likes to read:
a. crime novels