When starting up a business or going self-employed, it is important that you arm yourself with the appropriate skills and qualifications, to ensure you are well prepared for the challenges you may face, and to give your business a professional front. Some organisations may require certain qualifications in order to do business with you, therefore obtaining the appropriate skills and certificates will help stand your business alongside, and potentially above, the competition.
Starting up a business will require you to put in work in across the board. This means you will be responsible for day-to-day and project management, sales, marketing, and accounting, to name but a few. Qualifications such as a QCF in Business Start Up will give you the tools necessary to, surprisingly enough, start up a business, teaching you skills such as building business relationships, selling your product or service, and complying with legal requirements. A range of business-based BA (Hons) courses also exist, often with the option of a placement, again giving you the knowledge and experience necessary to start up a successful business. Many universities offer variants of business courses, ranging from management to finance, and even international trade for all you global entrepreneurs out there!
Specific Qualifications
More specific qualifications also exist, relevant to particular industries and sectors. For example, many publications will require freelance journalists to have an NCTJ qualification before they can write for them. This isn’t a strict requirement, however in such a competitive industry, publications can afford to be particular, and the qualification will offer strong support to a freelancer’s application. Similarly, hairdressers aren’t legally required to hold any qualifications, though an absence of formal training will conspire against them when searching for customers. Courses in hairdressing offer students the opportunity to gain NVQs, often through an apprenticeship, along with functional skills which will help you when setting up your business. Many niche industries will carry the need to study for certain qualifications, and even if they are not legally required, it is certainly advisable to undertake them, in order to boost the reputation of your business or service, as well as help you to develop the skills which are key to providing a strong product.
Some successful entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals have learnt their trade on the job, however with the range of courses available, learning skills and gaining qualifications from professional institutions offers an effective starting point for your business. It is worth considerable research into the courses available to ensure you select the one which you believe will teach you the greatest range of skills necessary to build your business upon.
If you feel that you already have the momentum needed to get your business or service off the ground, qualifications can be obtained through part-time courses, offered by many universities. Similarly, short or fast-track courses are available, enabling young freelancers or businesses to study for their qualifications, whilst simultaneously working on the practicalities of starting up their project, or gaining practical experience. With the highly competitive nature of the business world, the advantage of a qualification alongside your name can give your service a reputation worthy of your abilities.