So, results day has come and gone and, for a 29th year in a row, pupils in Britain achieved higher results than ever before. With many universities asking for at least one A* star grade, and more and more students achieving these academic heights, the competition for university places has never been tougher. With the added incentive of attempting to beat next year’s rise in tuition fees, the sheer number of people applying weighed against the number of places available means even students who score the top grades may miss out on their first choice.
There are still options for those who did not quite get the grades they needed. If you’ve narrowly missed out, gaining an A grade instead of an A* for example, it may be worth checking with your chosen institution whether they would be prepared to accept you with this slightly lower grade. While this has often been the case in the past, prepare yourself for universities to be extra fussy this year. They can afford to be with so many people chasing a few precious places.
If you definitely have not made it to the university of your choice, there is no need to despair just yet. As always, there will be a number of places at various universities that have not been filled and you may be able to find an alternative institution or course that matches your goals and interests. The ‘clearing’ process, which is also run through UCAS, is designed to match up students who have not secured places to those that are still available.
The clearing process can de daunting and scary, particularly with alarmist news reports and technological problems standing in your way. Rest assured, however, that by approaching it in a clam and determined manner you may still be able to achieve your dream of studying at university level.