Business and Finance Postgraduate Personal Statement

Example Business and Finance Personal Statement

The fact that financial risk shapes the world around us has never been more apparent. With the interactions between the financial sector, government and the people dominating news stories like never before, it is difficult to see how anyone could be less that fascinated by learning about the industry. Having discovered a passion for the field at a young age, I have since pursued high level study and extensive work experience, across multiple industrial and international contexts, to ensure that I gain the best understanding of both the theory and practice of global finance.

I am currently in my 4th year of a degree in Finance, Risk and Investment at Glasgow Caledonian University and have gained a strong foundation of knowledge across the field through these studies. In addition to this, I have also pursued more specific areas of interest, including working on a dissertation on quality in retail banking and its effect on competition within the UK system. The perception and the realities of risk are the aspects of finance which have always most inspired me and this thesis has been an exciting opportunity to explore these. My strong performance at undergraduate level is also thanks to focusing on Economics from a young age, including gaining good grades in mathematically related subjects throughout school. While studying within a foreign context could have presented problems, my experience of working across international contexts, coupled with a Foundation course at SOAS, ensured that I gained the necessary understanding of the field, the education system and the language to work to the best possible standard throughout my studies.

There is no substitute for hands on experience when it comes to understanding business and finance. Seeing how a theory is applied in the real world can really help to solidify understanding. Having been lucky enough to grow up surrounded by business and entrepreneurial activity, thanks to my parents’ successful international steel business, I have seen how business, finance and administration work at all levels. Assisting in their businesses and utilising my language skills, in roles in France, Germany and Taiwan, demonstrated to me how business differs across international markets even in a globalised economy. Taking the administrative and communication skills I learnt through my experiences into multiple industries, including retail, customer service and, most importantly, banking, I have applied knowledge of economic principles in sales, marketing and research. As Sales Support for Lloyds Banking Group I gained expanded knowledge of the retail banking sector, while an internship with Young Company Finance offered a more research based role. Having enjoyed both of these positions greatly, I am excited by the prospect of gaining further knowledge of the sector through study and making a real impact through applying this knowledge in a subsequent professional role.

In my spare time, I am equally driven to gain expertise in any area that sparks my interest. Having always been fascinated by IT and computing, and recognising its ever-increasing impact on industry, I have gained significant expertise in this field through continued study. As keen sportsman, I also held the French Youth National Tennis Championship for three years and had some success in junior golf tournaments.

Having exhibited similar dedication and perseverance in all aspects of my life, I firmly believe that I have shown the ambition and ability to pursue postgraduate study in the field of finance. Gaining extensive experience of the application of this academic knowledge within business has also shown me the impact that business and finance have on our world and has inspired greater passion and a realisation that increased knowledge of the sector will allow to make an impact within my own career.

We hope that this example Business and Finance postgraduate personal statement provides helpful guidance when writing your own.